Al Hassan Company
The Company's name Al Hassan Company
Phone First +963 212 282174
Mobile First +963 933382803
Mobile Second +963 954408243
City Aleppo
Title Aleppo - Ismailia - the second western intersection of exams - next to Ajam Furniture
Specialization Engineering works, water and thermal insulation, and renewable energy
About company
Al Hassan Company
For engineering, insulation and renewable energy works
All building construction and strengthening works - all thermal and water insulation works, epoxy, building materials chemicals, and solar electrical energy
Civil engineer Muhammad Rakan Haj Asad
Master of Energy Management in Buildings and Thermal and Water Insulation
Address: Aleppo - Ismailia - the second western intersection of exams - next to Ajam Furniture
Tel: 0212282174
Mobile: 0933382803 / 0954408243
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