Al-Imad Specialized Office
The Company's name Al-Imad Specialized Office
Phone First +963 959344342
Mobile First +963 959344342
Mobile Second +963 988662223
City Ref Damascus
Title Damascus Countryside
Specialization Contracting - Interior and exterior cladding
About company
Al-Imad Specialized Office
Muhammad Irfan Al-Kayyal (Abu Imad)
Specialization: Creating minutes - Participation - Internal and external cladding - Villas - Farms - Anything that needs restoration - Arab houses
* A work team characterized by credibility and challenging interest
* A specialized cadre and competitive prices
* Cash and installment sales offers at the cash price and without interest for a period not exceeding one year
* Cladding and installment offers within Damascus and the countryside of Damascus
* We have apartments of all sizes
Mobile: 0988662223 / 0959344342
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