Al Masar Contracting, General Trading and Real Estate Brokerage
The Company's name Al Masar Contracting, General Trading and Real Estate Brokerage
Phone First +963 943734440
Mobile First +963 943734440
City Damascus
Title Artouz - next to Imam Al-Nawawi Mosque
Specialization Selling - buying - covering - pledges - records - villas - building restoration
About company
For contracts, general trade and real estate mediation
Al -Masar Real Estate Company entered the field of real estate development and investment in 2014, which specializes in praising residential and commercial complexes, mixed, villas and farms with high -quality finishing and specifications under high -experience engineering supervision.
It is characterized by selling the installment system at attractive prices and excellent finishes and allows investors the opportunity to keep pace with new projects to benefit and trade.
Title: Artouz - the side of Imam Al -Nawawi Mosque
Specialization: Sell - Buy - Costume - Pledges - Lectures - Villas - Building Restoration
Mobile: 0943734440

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