Pistachio Interior Architecture Company
The Company's name Pistachio Interior Architecture Company
Phone First +963 21 2661744
Mobile First +963 0967676744
Mobile Second +971 567674545
City Aleppo
Website Www.fustok-interiors.com
Title Syria - Aleppo - Al-Sabil neighborhood - Al-Kalima roundabout
Specialization Interior architecture
About company
Fustaq Interior Architecture Company
Fustaq Interior Architecture Company is one of the leading companies specialized in construction and interior architecture for villas and companies, and provides modern, ultra-elegant designs. It is in harmony with all tastes and keeps pace with changes and developments in materials and designs.
The company was established in 2006 and began its professional career on the basis of high quality standards until it obtained two international ISO certificates: ISO 9001 Quality Management Certificate
and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Certificate
Fustaq Company has a wide reputation and has been approved to implement the finest projects at the local and international levels for its commitment to the highest quality standards in implementation and its fulfillment of its promises to deliver projects according to the agreed timetables.
The company's branches are located in
Branch 1: Syria - Aleppo - Al-Sabil neighborhood - Al-Kalima roundabout.
Branch 2: United Arab Emirates - Dubai -
The company is owned by Engineer "Mohammed Bakri Fustaq" of Syrian Arab nationality, in addition to a team of highly skilled and professional consultants and administrators, and a number of creative designers specialized in interior and exterior design.
The company is a pioneer in structural, architectural and interior designs and studies, based on the client's request, starting from luxury villas, luxury residential apartments, banks, exchange companies, health clubs, restaurants, shops and commercial companies.
We are proud at Fustaq Interior Design Company that we do not rely on the traditional style usually followed in design, which allows us to be creative and launch unique design ideas for each project.
The company creates creative and practical spaces at the same time, and represents a real application of what is going on in the clients' ideas and meets their requirements accurately. The company follows contemporary interior design methods through a combination of innovative design ideas with unique high-quality materials.
When it comes to designs, we open spaces for launching creative ideas.
The credit for Fustaq's superiority over its competitors in the interior design sector is due to its extensive experience in developing and implementing integrated solutions for clients.
Where it can provide an integrated project management service that goes beyond the traditional interior designs.
It has a comprehensive approach to its knowledge of leading construction, architectural and interior engineering projects from the beginning of developing innovative ideas for each project in a unique way, managing it, studying its finances and implementing it according to the highest international standards until the project is delivered, and our extensive experience in this sector ensures that we remain at the forefront of the engineering sector.
Fustaq Interior Design Company has successfully implemented a number of major projects from design and equipment to final implementation.
The pursuit of the highest levels of mastery and attention to the smallest details is the essence of our vision at Fustaq Interior Architecture Company.
Tel: 0212661744
Mobile: 0967676744 / 0949999070
Emirates: 00971567674545

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