Mohammed Al-Masry Company
The Company's name Mohammed Al-Masry Company
Phone First +963 11 22964090
Phone Second +963 15 8679060
Fax First +963 11 2226058
Fax Second +963 15 8679061
City Damascus
Title Daraa - Ghabagheb Damascus - Al-Fahama
Specialization Manufacture and installation of all types of false ceilings and gypsum boards - And the manufacture of gypsum board paste
About company

Mohammed Al-Masry Company

Manufacture and installation of all types of false ceilings and gypsum boards
And the manufacture of gypsum board paste
Factory address: Daraa - Ghabagheb
Office: Damascus - Al-Fahama
Phone: +963 11 22964090
+963 11 22964091
+963 11 2231163
+963 15 8679060
Fax: +963 11 2226058 \ +963 15 8679061

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