Are science fiction predictions fulfilling in 2020? Airplane homes and telepathy

A report in the Spanish newspaper, El Pais, questioned the possibility that 2020 would be the year of telepathy. He asks: Will the human mind really be connected to the Internet? And will it be possible to achieve the idea of ​​transmitting the material from a distance? Will food stop being a primary reason for providing food?
Science fiction authors and futurists posed such questions several years ago, and scientists predicted that such ideas could be achieved by 2020.
Connecting the human mind to the Internet
Canadian author Jeffrey Charles Rayman indicated in his novel "Air" published in 2004 that scientists can connect the human mind to the Internet during the year 2020.
Although the realization of this idea still seems somewhat unlikely, scientific forecasts confirm that this link is only a scientific project that does not differ much from some of the existing projects in reality.
In 2015, a team of European researchers was able to record brain waves and convert them into letters and words, and even whole sentences.
Despite the many open discussions on the principles of privacy, safety and personal protection that such devices can provoke, the Facebook platform is preparing a device that reads people’s brain waves and allows them to write them simply by thinking about them.
Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk is considering developing technology to connect the mind to the Internet. The short-term goal of this project is to help patients with paralysis or amputated limbs to control the expression of their feelings and movement or to use only the sense of hearing and hearing through the brain.

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