Report: Huawei's upcoming phone will come with an "unprecedented" approximation

Ming Zhi-kuo, one of the most famous information leaks of smartphones, indicated that optical zoom will be the most prominent feature in the devices that will be launched next year.
According to a report published by the company "TF International Securities", Ko showed that the rear camera of the upcoming phone, "Huawei B40 Pro", will integrate the redesigned telephoto lenses, and will be the first in the world with an optical zoom rate of 10s, noting that it is expected to launch The device during the first half of 2020
The improved optical zoom, Kuo said, will expand to offer on many flagship phones over the next year, however, Kuo - who is best known for specializing in Apple product leaks - has not decided whether an iPhone will get it, noting that current versions of The phones support almost optically at 2S, and digitally at 10S, according to AIT NEWS, the technical news website.
Optical zoom has the advantage of preserving image quality when zooming, while digital zooming leads to a lack of clarity in the image.

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