The leak reveals a "revolutionary" feature in the upcoming Samsung phone

A South Korean company has started to supply batteries known as "protection module packs" to Samsung in preparation for use in the upcoming Galaxy S11 phones, according to technical reports.
ITM took battery cells made by LG KM in China, then applied PMP technology and later shipped them to a Samsung factory in Vietnam.
The source said that the batteries to be used in the phone "Galaxy S 11" smaller by 57 percent compared to the batteries "Galaxy S10", which will allow the introduction of batteries with higher capacities.
Samsung smartphones will be gradually enhanced with PMP technology, the paper said.
As this technology does not require protection like PCM batteries, like the Galaxy S10, it will be offered in a smaller size.
Samsung is expected to rely on this technology to provide batteries of the current size, but with a capacity greater than 5,000 mAh.
Samsung has used these batteries from ITM in a number of phones, including: "Galaxy Note 10", "Galaxy A70", and "Ga-laxi A90".
Samsung is cooperating with ITM, as well as with other companies such as Samsung SDI and Chinese ATL, which supply batteries for Galaxy A series phones.

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