They left themselves with a smart watch, a bmw car

German company "BMW" revealed a new technology that enables the corner of a model of its cars through a "smart" watch with remote guidance, as the new technology was tested with the "BMW I3" engine that uses a hybrid engine.
The new automatic car park technology - developed by the company - is known as the "Valais Valve Parking Assist", and it relies on the use of four laser scanners installed in the corners of the car to map a default map. This development could replace the traditional GPS navigation system.
The technology uses cameras and laser scanners to locate the columns and angles of the car and make them transparent, visible, and can be seen from all directions in 360 degrees.
The cameras are installed on the exterior of the car, and provides the driver and car with an inside view of the vehicle's columns, which is depicted on the screen of the smart watch.
Although this technology is still in the design stage, it is hoped that it will reduce the possibility of accidents. By using it, the car will be able to know the structural properties of its parking, allowing it to overcome any obstacles that may appear suddenly in the place, including cars that did not park properly.
According to the website of the British newspaper "Daily Mail", the new technology will allow the driver to search for a suitable place to park his car, and it can also specify for him the empty places where he can park his car. But the producing company did not announce what the device would do in the absence of an empty place to park the car, as often happens in crowded parking lots in London and New York.
The new system does not require special equipment for parking spaces or special facilities to suit the requirements of the new parking device. But BMW has yet to announce when the new technology will be available in its cars.
Source: Deutsche Welle

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